The Voice of Business in Education
Cheryl Esposito welcomes Beth Misner, Corporate Vice Chair of BNI, and Co-Founder of the BNI Foundation. BNI is a global network of business professionals to harness the power of relationship marketing to grow their profits.
Have you heard that “Giver’s Gain”? Beth Misner lives this philosophy every day, and teaches business owners to harness the power of collaboration and “noble networking” to grow our youth into strong, productive and empowered citizens through the BNI Initiative, Business Voices.
More than donating money, this is about T3 – Time, Talent or Treasure. This initiative gets business people to do what they do well: identify a problem and solve it. Meeting with the principal, they ask: What are the 5 biggest problems you have? Next, the business “Givers” go to work to find solutions to these problems, utilizing their network. The stories of success are inspiring.
Join Cheryl Esposito and Beth Misner to learn how Business Voices can serve the life of a child, so perhaps that child may grow up to serve the world.