The Art of the Creative: Life

Cheryl Esposito welcomes Barnet Bain, award-winning film producer & director, broadcaster & creativity expert. Films include Oscar winner What Dreams May Come (producer), The Celestine Prophecy (writer, producer), The Jesus Film (writer). A current film project is Milton’s Secret, based on a story by Eckhart Tolle & Robert Friedman. “Your whole life is a creative act.” So says Barnet Bain, author of The Book of Doing & Being: Rediscovering Creativity in Life, Love, & Work. We can be bullied by thoughts that keep us from the creative in our self. “…stop being created by your past & start consciously creating your present & future.” “Any time you are willing to be surprised – by your next creative impulse, the next idea that excites you, the next experience that moves you – you are living a creative life.” Join Cheryl Esposito & Barnet Bain & be willing to be surprised by the art of living a creative life.
