Reclaiming Leadership As A Noble Profession

Cheryl Esposito welcomes Meg Wheatley, author, teacher, advisor, & thought leader on our global culture and the choices we have to make as leaders today. 

Her book, Who Do We Choose To Be? Facing Reality I Claiming Leadership Restoring Sanity is a call for sane leadership on behalf of the human spirit. Courageous & noble leaders showing high moral principles and ideals, can create islands of sanity as the way forward.
We have a choice: be passive and withdraw from the tumult, or choose to take our turn to show up as noble leaders. Meg says, “…if the world is going to hell, only do good; focus on the present; only do what you know will bring people to their own humanity, with the reward of being in the present moment relationship of human helping human.”
What is your answer to the question: Who do I choose to be in the midst of increasing fear and turmoil? Are you ready? Join Cheryl Esposito & Meg Wheatley to consider choices we have to make for these times.
