Life is Awe. Inspired.
Cheryl Esposito welcomes Neal Rogin, a multi-award winning writer & filmmaker. Neal’s compassion for life & human connection led him to bold projects, such as LIVE AID Concert for African Famine Relief; The Pachamama Alliance; Spaceship Earth; and his latest film, The Awakening Universe. Neal says we are experiencing an extraordinary shift in consciousness of what it means to be a person. We are on the edge of a breakthrough as a species, from arrogance to humility, understanding that we are all one. He sees compassion as the great connector that will move us from competition to cooperation. Neal’s latest film, The Awakening Universe, is based upon the book The Universe Story by Brian Swimme & Thomas Berry, & The Cosmic Narrative by Drew Dellinger. It explores how the New Cosmology is changing the very definition of what it means to be a human being. Join Cheryl Esposito and Neal Rogin to explore life…it’s awe. Inspired.