Does Your Voice Matter?

Cheryl Esposito welcomes Cynthia James, inspirational leader in the field of personal transformation, creator of Emotional Integration techniques, award winning author, actress and singer.  Her newest book Does My Voice Matter? A Journey of Self-Discovery, Authenticity and Empowerment, captures our imagination as we explore “what if’s” of our own story, name the signature moments of our life,  and vision “what else is mine to do with this life?

Cynthia’s experience of great successes and what felt like epic fails, catalyzed her to transform her pattern. She decided that no situation has the power to hijack your life – unless you let it.  Cynthia began to understand that those fails – they typically were prefaced with part of her shutting down. “…my entire life had been about silencing my voice to be safe.

Join Cheryl Esposito with Cynthia James … your voice matters more than you know!
