with Cheryl Esposito
We can help you to unearth your passion, clarify your vision, and challenge your limits.
The New Leadership Model: Leading Together
Awakening Your Purpose
Language of the Soul: Our Sacred Purpose
Upgrading Our Story of Humanity… It’s as Simple as Heaven on Earth
The Way of Leadership
Leadership Endeavor: Working for Good
Voices from the Deep in Oceans of Love
The Real Magic of Surrender
Life is Awe. Inspired.
The Future is Yours — to Make! Leadership Skills for an Uncertain World
To Create the Future, Change the Conversation
The Abundant Life: It’s not About the Money…
Let Surprise Be Your Muse!
A Leader with Heart: Love For No Reason
The Art of Inspiration
Pardon Me, Your Wisdom Is Calling…Take the Call.
The Nature of Technology
Wisdom of the Ages: The Four Agreements
Teaching Peace
Reclaiming Leadership As A Noble Profession