February 10, 2018

Teaching Peace


Cheryl Esposito welcomes Dr. Lyly Rojas, a university professor, international humanitarian, and co-founder of the European Institute of Collaborative Law. She specializes in the teaching the culture of Peace (inner and outer), Corporate Social Responsibility, and Multicultural Intelligence.

Friday March 2, 2018 10:00 am Pacific Time

Lyly was born in Nicaragua, a country of conflict with a long history of turmoil, and ultimately her family had to flee because of their political beliefs. “I was born into a political family and we were ‘living’ international issues. I was born into a family where people were always making choices about staying and leaving and asking the questions: Where is home? Is it time to go or stay?

She has worked with and consulted to the United Nations; as an advisor to the Vatican in the trafficking of human beings; in war zones training diplomats, human rights workers, the military, and tortured women and children. The unifying theme for her work: compassion and dignity for self and others. Lyly says that we cannot begin to help others heal if we cannot heal ourselves. “How can you teach peace if you are not peaceful within yourself?
She helps individuals, families, groups, corporations, and entire nations to connect with their inherent peace making capacities, teaching conflict resolution, non-violent communication, corporate social responsibility, and multicultural consultancy skills. Her current book project is titled: From Inner Peace to Outer Peace and All the Pieces In Between.
Join Cheryl Esposito and Dr. Lyly Rojas to explore inner peace as the key to world peace.
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