March 28, 2022

Media Matters: Dialogue with a Master



Friday April 1, 2022 10:00 am PST Pacific Time

Michael Toms was called “the Socrates of radio.”His legendary dialogues helped to bring innovative ideas into the mainstream culture. Though Michael passed away in 2013 at the age of 72, his work remains relevant. He had a way about him that made people want to be in conversation…to reflect deeper. His soft voice and genuine inquiry were his trademark to the truth. We got to eavesdrop as he engaged the world’s leading-edge thinkers, social architects, creative artists, scientists and spiritual teachers.  Michael & his wife Justine created New Dimensions Radioand New Dimensions World Broadcasting Networkas the place for this to live. In this Leading Conversations episode from the archives, we turn the table and ask Michael the questions, exploring his journey in making a difference through media, past, present and future. We are honored to have known you, Michael.

Join Cheryl Esposito and Michael Toms to hear…the voice of a master. 

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Listen to the rebroadcast at 10pm PST Pacific (1am Eastern)
Past Episodes are available On Demand and Podcast Ready.


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Listen to the rebroadcast at 10pm PST Pacific (1am Eastern)
Past Episodes are available On Demand and Podcast Ready.