June 12, 2023


Let Surprise Be Your Muse!

Cheryl Esposito welcomes Deirdre Hade & Will Artnz to Leading Conversations.

Friday June 16, 2023 10:00 am Pacific Time

Deirdre Hade, a poet & modern day mystic, is founder of Radiance Healing & Radiance Meditation, a system of mindfulness for our time. A poet & spiritual teacher of divine inspiration, Deirdre combines the spiritual with the practical to achieve a transformative connection to self – the channel for all things possible.
William Arntz began his professional career as a research laser physicist, developing wave optics simulators for high energy lasing systems. (AKA: the real Star Wars). Fast forward, he wrote a systems management software system AutoSys, sold his company & focused his interest on the nature of time – “what is time?” It took him deep into discovery, & expanded his realm of possibilities beyond science. He decided to make a small documentary about Spirit & Science, and, “surprise!”– it morphed into the movie “What the Bleep Do We Know?” – a global phenomenon with over 100 million viewers.
So…a poet & modern day mystic, and a research laser physicist turned award winning film producer, walk into a conference hall…and surprise!… a loving collaboration of mind, body, and soul is born.
Their latest production, The (not so) Little Book of Surprises is the brainchild of Will Arntz, merging the mystical poetry & wisdom of Deirdre Hade, and photos & images of award winning photographer Endre Balogh. The result is a wondrous trip into worlds of perception and mystical vision that you’ve never experienced before. Willing to be surprised?
Join Cheryl Esposito with Deirdre Hade & Will Artnz and let surprise be your muse.
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Past Episodes are available On Demand and Podcast Ready.